What is a Ruby Developer, and how to become one

What is a Ruby Developer, and how to become one

A Ruby developer is a software developer who specialises in using the Ruby programming language to build web applications, websites, and various software solutions. Ruby is a dynamically-typed, high-level programming language known for its simplicity and productivity. It’s often used in web development frameworks like Ruby on Rails, which is a popular choice for building web applications.

What Does a Ruby Developer Do?

A Ruby developer is typically a backend software developer, which means they are involved in the design and creation of databases, logic and architecture that makes up most modern web applications. Some Ruby developers also enjoy Front End work, which means they might be using a framework like Ruby on Rails, or specific Front End frameworks like React.

How Do I Become a Ruby Developer?

To become a Ruby developer, you don’t necessarily need specific educational qualifications. Some of our most successful Ruby developers have been self taught. However you do need a strong desire to figure out how things work, and understand complex problems. You might start with some simpler coding skills like HTML or JavaScript - but some people dive straight in to the relatively more complex stuff. Having a good working knowledge of infrastructure (eg Heroku or AWS) can really help, as well as understanding how to test and QA your code.

Which Industries Use Ruby Developers?

Obviously the most common industry for Ruby developers is web application or Saas Industries. Many high profile web application companies, such as Airbnb, Hulu, and Basecamp, use Ruby as part of their stack. Typically, any industry that needs skills in backend languages can use Ruby developers, particularly if you have experience with other server-side languages, such as Python.

Here are the steps to become a Ruby developer:

  1. Learn the Basics of Programming:
    • Start by gaining a solid foundation in programming concepts, including variables, data types, loops, conditional statements, and functions. You can start with languages like Ruby, Python, or JavaScript to learn these fundamentals.
  2. Study Ruby:
    • Once you’re comfortable with basic programming, dive into learning Ruby. You can find numerous online tutorials, courses, and books to help you get started. Some popular resources include:
      • “Learn Ruby the Hard Way” by Zed Shaw (don’t be put off by the title)
      • Online courses on platforms like Codecademy, Coursera, and Udemy
      • Ruby’s official documentation
  3. Practice Coding:
    • The key to becoming proficient in any programming language is practice. Work on small coding projects to apply your knowledge. Experiment with Ruby’s syntax and features to build your skills.
  4. Learn Ruby on Rails:
    • Ruby on Rails (often called Rails) is a powerful web development framework built with Ruby. To become a well-rounded Ruby developer, learn how to use Rails to create web applications. There are many online tutorials and courses specifically focused on Rails.
  5. Build Projects:
    • Start building your own projects using Ruby and Ruby on Rails. Create web applications, websites, or other software solutions to gain practical experience.
  6. Collaborate and Contribute:
    • Join Ruby and Ruby on Rails communities to collaborate with other developers, ask questions, and learn from experienced developers. Consider contributing to open-source projects in the Ruby ecosystem to gain real-world experience.
  7. Stay Updated:
  8. Create a Portfolio:
    • Showcase your work in a portfolio. Share your projects, code samples, and any contributions you’ve made to open source. A strong portfolio will help you stand out to potential employers or clients.
  9. Apply for Jobs or Freelance:
    • Look for job opportunities as a Ruby developer. Start with entry-level positions like junior developer or internship roles. You can also consider freelance opportunities to gain experience.
  10. Continue Learning:
    • The learning never stops in the world of programming. Continuously improve your skills, explore new technologies, and adapt to industry trends.

Becoming a Ruby developer takes time and dedication, but with consistent effort and a passion for coding, you can develop the skills needed to excel in this field.

Ruby is a rich and rewarding language. It's easy to get started with, but once you get your head around the basics, it can be incredibly powerful and scalable.

Ben Still


04 Sep 2023

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